We have had good discussion over the past several weeks.  Here is a quick synopsis of what we discussed:

Sept 16-Need for Acceptance

This week we discussed that Christ accepts us because we are His creation, and that we do not (and cannot) earn His love.  We looked at Romans 5:9, which indicates that God's love proceeds our obedience, and that if we remember that then we can live a life according to His guidance, not seeking after acceptance of peers or trying to live up to "worldly" standards.  

I challenged them to put a note somewhere they would see it reminding them that they were made in God's image, and that He loved and accepted them.

Sept 23-Need for Security

We looked at seeking security and stability in worldly possessions and how this contrasts with what Jesus called us to do in Matthew 6:19-21.  I explained that a ship at sea during a storm is tossed about by the waves, but as long as the nose is pointed into the wind, she will usually survive.  Yet, if she turns her nose to "safe harbor" and the stability and perceived security it offers, she will be dashed against the rocks.  Likewise, when we trust Christ, we may feel unstable, but as long as we stay focused on Him, we are secure.

I challenged them to give up something that might be taking up to much of their time and thereby hampering their reliance or relationship with Christ.

Sept 30-Need for Relationship

We talked about Ecclesiastes 4:12.  We discussed our inherent need to find relationships, and looked at what makes a relationship strong.  We talked about how God calls us to work together, and how that bond is made strong by Christ in the midst of our relationships.

I challenged them to examine two relationships-one good, one not so good.  I then asked them to discuss with the person in the good relationship what makes it work, and then think about and compare how that differs from the weaker relationship.  This will hopefully lead them to recognize ways to fix the broken relationship, or determine if it is a relationship they need to step away from (for instance, if a friend keeps trying to get them to do things thsy

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